
What are your cancellation/refund conditions?
As AKBIR FILO, we offer our guests the opportunity of «Pre-Payment Reservation». You can pay at the office. You can also make a 5% discount with the Prepaid Reservation option. Even if you cancel your prepaid reservation, all your payment will be refunded without interruption.

For more detailed information, please call our Call Center at +90 212 672 16 40.


With this vehicle delivery form, A-Is has received the vehicle, with the qualifications and license plate written on ten pages, with the provisions in the form and its annex.

B-1) The deliverer shall make the vehicle for which he is the owner of the right to operate for the period determined in the delivery form, provided that the conditions specified below are complied with. The recipient declares and accepts that he likes the vehicle by checking and inspecting it first, and that the vehicle is sound, undamaged and free from all kinds of defects. In addition, spare tire, spare tire, jack, all necessary details in accordance with the highway traffic legislation, radio tool in perfect working condition, relevant documents (license, map, etc.) and all full accessories are available. The receiver has also received all these details belonging to the person who is counted and the owner of the property, together with the vehicle.

2) The receiver shall return the vehicle and its details at the place where it was received, on the written day and time, but without the need for any warning or notice, at the place where it notified and received the confirmation, provided that the written approval of the deliverer and paying the additional fees.

3) The recipient cannot use the vehicle in any way for the following purpose and style. Even free of charge, it cannot be used by third parties. He accepts and undertakes in advance that the responsibility arising from such uses will belong only to him.

I-Transportation of all kinds of goods that are considered a crime according to customs laws and other Turkish laws, and in other illegal situations,
II-Towing, pushing or loading another vehicle or moving or non-moving objects without the consent of the supplier.
ll- Racing, speed determination, rally, durability testing and motor sports and on roads closed to normal traffic and unsuitable
IV-No matter how many passengers exceed the number of passengers determined by the traffic rules, no matter how, non-baggage cargo and goods are transported.
V- Regardless of the form of payment, it undertakes to use the vehicle in accordance with the provisions of the highway traffic law and other legislation, delivered in return for the transportation of passengers or goods in return for Ivaz, by written or verbal agreement, and to use all kinds of attention and care from the moment of receipt of the vehicle until its delivery.

4) The recipient must have completed 23 years of age and must present a domestic or international driver's license for at least 3 years. The receiver cannot have the vehicle used by third parties other than those specified in this form, without the written consent of the deliverer. In case of giving consent, all information regarding the identity, driver's license and address of the third person who will drive the vehicle is signed on the delivery form by the deliverer. Otherwise, both the Insurances are invalid and the deposit determined pursuant to article C of the delivered person may be recorded as income.

5) The recipient is responsible for parking the vehicle closed and locked in a way that will ensure all kinds of safety. In the event of theft or any damage, it will compensate all damages of the delivered vehicle, and will compensate the rental waist calculated over the current rental contract price of the period (maximum 45 days) until the vehicle is ready to be rented again, without the need for notice or warning.

6) If the receiver does not return the official documents (license plate, etc.) of the vehicle at the time of return of the vehicle, he is obliged to pay the rental price calculated over the current rental contract price for the period that will pass until they find and bring them or issue a new one, and in case of loss of documents, he is obliged to pay the expense to get new ones.

7) If the vehicle is seized by the competent authorities due to any event, whether it is the receiver's fault or not, he must immediately notify the deliverer. In addition, the expenses related to all kinds of attempts to be taken back belong to him. The delivery person is obliged to cover the daily loss in full, based on the valid date on the day of hire, for the period of late delivery caused by the fault of the recipient. 8) The recipient will be returned to him in a short time in return for the invoices received on behalf of the deliverer for the expenses to be made for the periodic maintenance of the vehicle (lubrication, oil change, etc.). The costs of repairs, spare parts and tire replacements as a result of natural use and wear belong to the deliverer. On the other hand, if the vehicle cannot move as a result of unusual use or accident, repair, spare parts and tire replacement costs, damage and damages due to freezing, and similar events, the transportation expenses incurred for bringing the vehicle to the place of delivery belong to the delivery vehicle. Minor repairs that may be required in the province will be notified to the nearest office of the deliverer, and approval will be obtained. The invoice(s) issued on behalf of the vehicle owner will be paid to the user.

9 ) The fuel fee is charged to the user.

10) The deliverer has released in advance from any liability arising from the loss and damage of any transported goods left in or on the vehicle by himself or someone else during the period of use or before or after the vehicle is returned to the deliverer, including the related costs,

11) One-day usage time is 24 hours. Weekly or monthly usage periods are calculated over 7 days and 30 days.

12) The deliverer may terminate the delivery at any time, without the need for a prior appointment, without having to show a reason and pay compensation, or may refrain from extending its time. In case of return, the user must immediately return the vehicle to the owner of the vehicle, together with the form he received. The buyer undertakes that in case of breach of this commitment, the owner of the vehicle will immediately compensate for all kinds of damage without the need for a notice or judgment.
is doing. The recipient cannot avoid paying the said compensation by claiming his fault for whatever reason.

13) Any addition or change in terms and conditions is void unless agreed in writing between the parties.

14) In any case, the recipient and the deliverer are obliged to provide each other with the necessary facilities in the pursuit of their compensation rights against the 3rd parties, to give power of attorney to each other in proportion to their rights and to assign the rights of litigation; Court expenses will be shared within this ratio.

15) Vehicles cannot be taken abroad without the documentary permission of the vehicle owner.

16) İstanbul Court Execution Offices are authorized for violations arising from this delivery form between the buyer and the deliverer of the vehicle, as well as for claims and compensation cases and enforcement proceedings.

17) The recipient cannot in any way transfer, assign or pawn the rights arising from delivery and acceptance, or the tool and the equipment and materials in it, and cannot use them in a way that will harm the deliverer. Violation of this commitment requires to pay the deliverer the right of way of the vehicle and compensation equal to the cost of the car.

C) The recipient delivers to the vehicle owner twice the amount to be calculated according to the approximate rental amount and the km amount to be referred, in accordance with the tariff determined by the owner of the vehicle and valid at the date of signature, as a deposit. The final account is accrued at the end of the delivery period and the balance is immediately collected from the delivered. The usage fee can be paid in TL or in foreign currency to be calculated at the Central Bank's foreign exchange buying rate on the date of payment, by credit card transfer / EFT, cash or traveler's check. The recipient may extend the period of use by giving 24 hours' notice, provided that the written consent of the vehicle owner is obtained and the deposit is increased.

D) In ​​case of any accident or damage, if the buyer has given written approval for the insurance beforehand and the following conditions are fulfilled, the damage exemption is applied.
1-An accident report and detection officer, alcohol report, personal name and address, similar documents and information from the nearest competent authority (such as traffic police, local police station, gendarmerie outside the city etc.) will be delivered and notified to the deliverer within 48 (forty-eight) hours at the latest.
2- If the delivery recipient does not have an obstructive condition determined by the doctor's report, it is necessary to immediately notify the owner of the accident. The recipient will not interfere with the damaged vehicle in any way. 3- The recipient is directly responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle due to the vehicle subject to delivery, and for all kinds of damages incurred by third parties for this reason, regardless of fault. The concept of 3rd party also includes people outside the delivery area inside the vehicle. For this reason, the receiver accepts and guarantees to save the vehicle owner from all kinds of claims and lawsuits that may be directed against the vehicle owner by third parties and their results. The vehicle shall also be liable for the damages to be incurred by the delivery recipient.
The owner of the vehicle does not have any responsibility, but the receiver irrevocably releases the vehicle owner by waiving in advance any claim and lawsuit rights that may arise for this reason.
4-The legal liability of the vehicle owner that may arise as a result of accidents that harm third parties is limited to the financial liability insurance coverage limits concluded for each vehicle. All kinds of legal responsibilities above these limits belong to the recipient, and the vehicle owner's right of recourse to the recipient is reserved.
5- All insurances are valid within the period specified in the vehicle delivery form.
6- The recipient is directly responsible for the accidents caused by the driver who is under the influence of alcohol and drugs or who does not have a valid driver's license, and for the goods transported or the accidents caused by the goods.
7- The recipient is liable without objection, up to the limits specified in the brochure, for any damages incurred by the vehicle as a result of all kinds of accidents. Paying the daily premium can eliminate this responsibility.
If the price in clause 8-49A is received, the deliverer is responsible for the specified upper limit. The receiver irrevocably agrees and undertakes that he will not make this demand over this amount under any circumstances.

E) The provision of article D of the delivery letter may be applicable in the presence of the aforementioned insurances of the vehicle. The vehicle owner does not have any obligations to the insurer other than those required by law. The receiver shall waive in advance all rights and claims that may arise for this reason, since the vehicle is not covered by insurance or various risks are not provided, regardless of the name of the vehicle.
The vehicle undertakes irrevocably discharged to its owner. If it has to make a payment, it accepts and guarantees full compensation in this amount without the need for any notice or warning.
F) The delivery form consisting of this page is the one that is read and accepted by the recipient and signed after the inspection and control explained in the provision (81). It constitutes an integral annex of the tariff delivery form valid on the date of signature determined by the vehicle owner.
G) Notifications to be made to the addresses specified by the recipient in this form are deemed to have been made to him.
H) The recipient accepts the record book and amounts of the deliverer as evidence.
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